A Great Day

Well, Poppy tolerated her big day on Wednesday fairly well! Praise the Lord!! She got one step closer to getting her chest closed (smaller patch) and another picc line (included a trip to internal radiology).

Yesterday was a great day, not only for Poppy, but for mommy!! Poppy moved her extremities, opened her eyes and even tracked my finger a little!! She ‘played’ with me for almost 10 minutes!!! Overwhelming!! Tears of joy, even as I write this 🙂 Words cannot even begin to express how much this means to me. Thank you Jesus for this precious awake time with my girl 🙂

There was a small window of sunshine yesterday, so we made a quick trip to the Ballard Locks to walk around and watch the boats. It was so refreshing to be out in the sunshine, surrounded by God’s beauty, spending quality time with the boys 🙂 Crosby loved it 🙂 We loved it 🙂 Yesterday was a great day all around.

Her numbers continue to look great today! She even started back up again on her feedings! We are so thankful for her progress. Maybe she can get her chest closed next week?! Hoping and praying for a stable weekend full of beauty rest 😉

Thank you all for your continued prayers. God is revealing Himself to so many.

PS: Poppy seems to prefer praise and worship music- we think it must remind her of heaven 😉






10 thoughts on “A Great Day

  1. Continued
    prayers for your entire family and especially Poppy. She has affected so may lives in her short time here. God has big plans for this little one.

  2. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Will continue to pray for sweet little Poppy and for your family for continued strength. God is good!

  3. This is the best news for today so far.How great thou are .So happy for all of you keep up the faith.She is sure a little doll,so sweet

  4. What wonderful news! I am so happy for you and all your family. You are all in our constant prayers and thoughts. May this be the beginning of positive forward steps for baby Poppy! Continued love and prayers!!!!

  5. Good job Poppy….you still have many prayers and thoughts coming from Belgrade. You are such a beautiful little baby girl!

  6. She is so cute. It’s me Alison I’m Emily’s daughter bowers little brother. Poppi is a cutie pie. She is in my prayers hope she can recover soon so she can come home to u guys.

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