
On December 17, 2012, my husband and I learned that our unborn baby girl, Poppy Florence, due March 15, 2013 would be born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS).  HLHS is a severe congenital heart defect, where the left side of the heart is severely under developed and not functioning. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002096/  We have been told by four doctors that indeed, no doubt about it, she has HLHS, and will struggle with her heart for the rest of her life.  However, we believe that all is in God’s hands, and that He has a special purpose for her.  We are praying for a miraculous healing for her, and would love your prayers for her as well.

This blog was created mainly to keep friends and family up to date on what’s happening with our sweet girl.



105 thoughts on “About

  1. Praying for Poppy. I work to educate hospital personnel about donation. Donation of tissue and donation of organs. We will all work harder as we Pray for Poppy.

  2. I am so happy for Poppy and your family, and Praying that she continues to grow stronger each day. Joan Taylor

  3. I found your blog on another blog I follow – praying 4 Raygen and I just read each and every blog post. What an amazing story and amazing little girl you have! I will be keeping Poppy in my prayers.

  4. Hey friends! I met you today at Playdate Cafe in Lynnwood and got to hear a little about your baby girl. Thankfully we have an amazing hospital here in Seattle and I know she will be in nothing less but the best hands there!! All of the staff and me will be thinking and sending good thoughts your way. When times get hard you got to just take one day at a time and trust that things will get better soon:) hope to see you guys again!

  5. Hi Christie. I was told by my friend from Dillon who now lives in Belgrade / Bozeman area of your sweet Poppy. We are also in Seattle now at Ronald McDonald house waiting for our baby Corbin to be born who has a risky variant of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Posterior urethral valves. I am going to have him on Thursday and would love to talk to you about what you experienced. I have a friend at the house whose baby girl was born 2 weeks ago with HLHS. I am hoping we can get together if you are still in Seattle or when we get back to MT.

    Please email me or we are in house A.

    Adrienne Kenison
    Room 373

  6. Hello!
    Very touching story, she (+ your family) is definitely in my prayers. Is there a link somewhere on the site where people can donate?

  7. Hi Christie. This is Oskar’s grandmother. His other grandmother and I have been looking to connect with other grandmothers. If Poppy’s grandmother wants to call us and share or just have another grandmother to talk to let me know. kdeanearnp@gmail.com .

  8. I just watch the television show on poppy and your family so happy poppy is doing fine you are very strong parents Dorine saulnier new Brunswick

  9. Hi Brad,
    Just read your Introduction and would like you to know that God is already doing a perfect thing in the life of your precious daughter, his angel, I would remember you in my prayers! All the best for 2014. See you in course room!
    Be blessed!
    Marilyn M. Farley-Thompson
    Fellow Capella Student

  10. I came across the story of baby Poppy tonight while flicking through the channels. Brought tears to my eyes. I hope she is doing well. I am proud to say I made the choice as a teenager to become an organ donor and I believe when it is time to have children they will be too. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story and your beautiful baby! God bless!

  11. I saw poppy story on children hospital episode with Molly sheen tonight I love your story about her if you are still in Seattle area let me at mechellepsalms56@Gmail.com we have
    a great church in urban district called the city church 8pm or we have belltown also called the city church service times are 9 11:30 6pm

  12. Hello,
    My husband Jeff LaCoursiere is a distant cousin (we just found this out from Larry & Lorraine LaCoursière). I just read your wonderful blog about amazing Poppy! Our daugher Muriel has had four heart surgeries as well. We’d love to connect with you! Please email me megan_lacoursiere@ipsd.org, or Jeff, at jeff@jeff.net.

  13. Brad & Christi ~~~ We often think of ya’ll, especially Poppy. As we would say back on the farm, she is apparently “out of the woods”. Thank God!
    I have a request; please include your cousin Charles, who is my brother. He recently had a quadruple bypass. Merely an, old cousin, Lawrence, who is often referred to as Larry, Lucky and Get-wood!

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